WE believe that:
1. There is nothing wrong with US, nothing that needs to be fixed because there is nothing broken. 2. WE live in a sea of Familial, Cultural, Ancestral, and Collective trauma. It is embodied, unconscious and WE have adapted and normalized it in our life. 3. It takes a great deal of energy to keep these dissociated and suppressed trauma experiences from the past suppressed and unconscious. 4. This suppression is an intelligent and adaptive evolutionary gift of our nervous system, which protected us from overwhelming, fearful, and challenging situations. 5. Through meditation, contemplation, and safe dialogue WE create a more spacious inner capacity in which WE can experience and integrate these frozen experiences from the past. 6. WE work together individually and collectively in safe groups with a common intention of healing this wounding from the past. 7. Healing is wholeness, which means alignment of physical, mental, emotional, and relational intimacy, which allows US to reclaim OUR vital and essential energy. 8. OUR work shifts the focus of change from how WE are impacted by the outer world, to an exploration of OUR spacious and generative interiority. 9. WE are born into Original Goodness, and our primary job is to return to our soul’s calling, to our true essence. 10. In learning to love what is, WE create the space and capacity for what could be! |
The choices we make matter.
Our planetary future depends on a shift in consciousness towards the recognition of our light, our love and our interconnectedness with all of life, in both the visible and the invisible realms!
Our planetary future depends on a shift in consciousness towards the recognition of our light, our love and our interconnectedness with all of life, in both the visible and the invisible realms!
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