November 2018 Newsletter
Well of Light
Living From Our Vision
Dear Ones,
Meriel and I are on the final leg of our sabbatical returning to BC Dec 1st. We wanted to stop and express our deep and sincere gratitude and appreciation to you for your participation in the Well of Light programs and offerings as well as recognize and honor the vision that you are bringing forth into the world.
Meriel and I are on the final leg of our sabbatical returning to BC Dec 1st. We wanted to stop and express our deep and sincere gratitude and appreciation to you for your participation in the Well of Light programs and offerings as well as recognize and honor the vision that you are bringing forth into the world.
We came on this trip to reboot our lives and explore how we can best be of service to our community and the world in these changing and challenging times. It is, and has been our vision, to be of service to our community. So we took this 6-week break to redefine and connect with our vision, to align with the “Why” that feeds our soul and unifies the global heart!
Your vision of where or who you want to be is your greatest asset.
Paul Arden
Paul Arden
On our retreat we went out on an 11-day Vision Quest with our friend Sparrow Hart into the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico. It was beyond amazing, a most transformative and enlightening experience… Four of those days and nights we fasted and went out alone from base camp to do our solo journey, armed with only a sleeping bag, water bottle and a tarp to protect us from the rain. That tarp came in very handy as we had massive thunder, lightning and rain much of the first 3 days. What we received from this odyssey into the heart of nature was immeasurable peace of mind, a profound sense of interconnection with all of life and a deep soul healing…
On our vision quest we took time to grieve, to embrace our shadow selves, to let go of judgements, fears, projections from the past. We wailed, prayed, forgave others, and ourselves and embraced the long neglected parts of our younger selves. The intention of this work, especially on the solo journey, was to let go of the past and step into a new future that expresses our deepest love and longing.
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell
It is so easy to get locked into the routines, habitual patterns, projections and limiting beliefs that keep us from living from a place of deeper meaning and purpose. What have we have come here to express and share with the world? We invite and encourage you to take a moment of pause during this US Thanksgiving Holiday and explore the question of why you were born into this one precious life?
When we truly step into our vision of the possible life we could be living and the beautiful world we could imagine, we come face to face with our greatest fears. For the most part we want to avoid these fears and yet they are the portals through which the evolution of the world soul waits patiently to emerge. The world needs us to be living from the heart of our vision.
When we truly step into our vision of the possible life we could be living and the beautiful world we could imagine, we come face to face with our greatest fears. For the most part we want to avoid these fears and yet they are the portals through which the evolution of the world soul waits patiently to emerge. The world needs us to be living from the heart of our vision.
We need to have a vision of the world we want to create so that
we can see ourselves as collaborators with future
generations in the project of shaping it.
David Grinspoon
we can see ourselves as collaborators with future
generations in the project of shaping it.
David Grinspoon
On this Thanksgiving there is so much to be grateful for and yet there is so much suffering in the world. At the heart of all suffering is the myth of separation. Quantum physics has validated what the ancient masters have been saying for millennia: That everything is connected and impacts everything else.
If there is a dream you have for your life and the world, now is the time to step into it, to live and act from it. We are all co-creating this world. What if we make this day of Thanks Giving, the day that we fully stepped into a world of joy, creativity, inter being and self-expression? We hope you will join us in calling forth a dream of love, compassion and gratitude for our profound connection with all of life.
If there is a dream you have for your life and the world, now is the time to step into it, to live and act from it. We are all co-creating this world. What if we make this day of Thanks Giving, the day that we fully stepped into a world of joy, creativity, inter being and self-expression? We hope you will join us in calling forth a dream of love, compassion and gratitude for our profound connection with all of life.
Infinite love and boundless blessings,
Michael & Meriel
Michael & Meriel
Where there is no vision the people perish!
PS: Sparrow and I just did a new moon recording for this month, which you can listen to on our Patreon site!
He will also be on Conversations live Tuesday Nov 27th. If you want to listen in just tune in to at 1pm PT
He will also be on Conversations live Tuesday Nov 27th. If you want to listen in just tune in to at 1pm PT