We need a sharp sword of truth and grounded presence to stay connected to our wisdom, radiance, and resilience. As we explore the 5 Portals of Possibility we will shake ourselves free from armoring, limitation, and hopelessness to embrace our true power, reclaim our innate belonging, and stay engaged from love.
Over the next 2 weeks HeatherAsh and I will be offering FREE Youtube clips on the 5 Portals of possibility...
In this 3-hour master class we will learn how to embody:
- Possibility thinking in times of uncertainty & drama
- Keeping our heart open - exploding vs imploding
- Using relationship to dissolve the lie of separation
- True, authentic manifestation and self expansion
- Integrate past traumas to create inner spaciousness, freedom & wholeness
Michael Stone is a spiritual author, mentor, shamanic practitioner, radio host, producer, and trauma integration facilitator who co-creates individual and group environments and experiences that support people in transcending the myth of separation, and experiencing deep and profound interconnection with others and all of life. He has been teaching and leading experiential events, classes, teleseminars and workshops on Organizational Development, Embodied Shamanism, Moving Meditation, Personal Growth, and Spiritual Fulfillment for over 40 years.
HeatherAsh Amara is the author of the bestselling Warrior Goddess Training series, The Seven Secrets to Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz Jr., and The Warrior Heart Practice. She is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions. HeatherAsh studied and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and continues to teach with the Ruiz family.
Raised in Southeast Asia, HeatherAsh has traveled the world from childhood and is continually inspired by the diversity and beauty of human expression and experience. She brings this open-hearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings, which are a rich blend of Toltec wisdom, European shamanism, and Buddhism. |